Well worth the price
The assembly went well, since the site slopes, I built a raised wood platform with 3/4" plywood floor to exact exterior size of shed and finished it with metal L flashing around the edge. The shed assembled easily, just needed to weed out a couple of propeller pieces and replace with spares. As I assembled this on my own I removed the window sash from the frame before lifting into position, and I also removed the exterior trim of the door frame so that I could put it in place w/o lifting. Incidentally, I tried to use the metal corner angles but at 1-1/2" this seemed to be too wide to fit into the frame sidewall slot. Probably did something wrong, but I didn't need them since I wasn't lifting the frame. I installed the wood flooring over the plywood subfloor using building paper and concealed nailing. Everything is really top quality, and having spare pieces is really great. Machining of the wood is very accurate, and surfaces are smooth and all the long edges are nicely eased, so no splinters. It looks really nice, and I am most happy with it. xx